Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Flights to Australia

So I'm a little late doing this, but I had to make sure everything was going ahead with the cruises. Oh I need to fill you in on our 2 cruises next!
So looking at the flights from Qantas and VAustralia Oh My Goodness!!!! I think they've mixed up the first class fares with economy!!! I know prices have gone up and I'm sure with the fuel situation at the moment, they will go up again. But really, almost $5000 for just Cassandra and I, that is insane!!
Maybe I need to start hanging out in some of the popular celebrity bars in Hollywood, I can try to catch a ride on someones private jet!


  1. Know what you mean Lorelle. I've just paid $4000 for my ticket to London!!


  2. Oh I know, prices have just gone crazy! I'm sure they use the fuel and other issues as a 'good excuse' to bump up the rates, especially when you consider they are cutting so many things out that they used to do!

  3. Dhow cruise dubai is a great place for the trip with family i like to visit there once again.
